Like mother like son. And the human son was also quite pleased with how this turned out, if his kicks to my lungs were any indication.
According to my pregnancy app (I use Ovia Pregnancy for anyone curious), they say at 30 weeks he was the size of a brie en croute.
I can only assume that they meant a much larger wheel of brie than the mini 8 ounce version I baked up for this – but let’s be honest, I probably didn’t need a full one pound wheel baked in puff pastry just laying around the house… Need is different than want.
I sure as hell WANTED a full wheel just laying around the house. But such is life.
mouthwatering Stuffed Potato Cakes
Hands down, when we are in a party mood, this is the only drink we’re having!
Easy Black Bean Taco Recipe
Man’s Jaw Drops When He Sees Picture Of Himself On Missing Kids Website
How to propagate an orchid from a leaf.
Easter Bunny Cake Pops – Quick and Easy – Adorable and Delicious for Easter
The technique that expert plumbers use to unclog toilet cisterns: now you know what to do
Look at this picture and count all the people if you have hawk eyes!
Meatball Skillet Meal