1st Step
Combine the diced apples, melted butter, brown sugar, and ground cinnamon in a small bowl. To uniformly coat the apple slices, thoroughly mix.
2nd Step
Set your oven to the temperature recommended on the packet of cinnamon roll dough. Butter or cooking spray should be used to grease a baking dish or pie plate.
3rd Step
Separate the individual cinnamon buns by cracking open the dough tube. Additionally, use a rolling pin or your hands to form a little disc by gently flattening each cinnamon roll.
4th Step
On the bottom of the oiled baking dish, arrange the flattened cinnamon roll discs in a single layer, covering the whole area. Over the top of a cinnamon roll, evenly distribute the apple filling.
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This was a staple from Granny every year, and I always spaced on taking notes. Super pumped to find a close match!