Tabe Paxson shares a nifty trick on Facebook to fend off bothersome flies from your porch, deck, or any place you enjoy outdoor relaxation. The secret weapon? A bar of Irish Spring Soap. Simply secure it in a mesh bag and hang it in the areas you frequent outdoors. This might seem unusual, but Irish Spring Soap, renowned for its distinct smell, actually boasts many uses beyond its basic bathing purpose.
GINGER WATER: The Healthiest Drink to Target Stubborn Body Fat
My Amish friend shared this bread recipe with us, and it’s been on repeat since!.
No-Bake Caramel Apple Eclair Cake
Natural Liver and Blood Vessel Cleanse Bomb: 4 Powerful Ingredients!
His ranch became the perfect escape for him. Doing grunt work, clearing bushes, and planting about a thousand trees lets Tom Selleck stay fit better than any gym.
The Unexpected Discovery: A Couch Full of Surprises
Recipe: Smothered Pork Chop Scalloped Potato Casserole
Cheese chicken nuggets