If you want to get rid of midges in your kitchen quickly and effectively, there are several natural tips. Today we show you how to dispose of them in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.
Avoid leaving food uncovered:
Keeping your kitchen free of visible food will eliminate gnats. It’s as simple as that. After you have finished eating, place any leftovers in the refrigerator and protect them with cling film.
Do the dishes quickly:
For gnats, dirty dishes in the sink are a real invitation. So wash the dishes immediately and don’t let them pile up. If you have a dishwasher, put all your dishes in it and close it so as not to attract gnats.
Empty the trash cans regularly:
If you don’t want to give midges room and board, be sure to empty your trash cans regularly. An accessible trash can is a true paradise for midges, which not only find shelter there, but also lay their eggs! Choose a trash can with a lid and cover your compost well in the kitchen. Clean and deodorize your trash can daily, including the one outside.
Eliminate plants in poor condition:
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