Thanks to this method used in hotels, you can have a clean bathroom for two weeks. This is what it is.
In our house , some pieces are used more frequently than others and tend to get dirty precisely because of their daily use.
Among these we find the kitchen, where we usually prepare, and sometimes even consume, the meals we prepare and therefore there may be traces of fats, oils and food remains and the other room is the bathroom .
Bathroom: how to leave it spotless with the hotel method
In this we tend to live the most intimate moments, because we take care of ourselves and see ourselves for who we are so as to be able to do our needs and therefore be free and have our privacy.
Precisely for all these reasons, the bathroom tends to get dirty very quickly and the dirt that can form on its surfaces is very difficult to remove in one go.
Suffice it to say that, in the bathroom, women often put on makeup, so residues of cosmetic powders or perfumes, as well as traces of toothpaste and circles of dirt, may remain in the sink.
“Oh wow, you need to remember this one!” – The first thing my husband said after trying this, haha.
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