Once you use it, you won’t let it go because it makes everything so much easier . Instead of dirtying a thousand dishes or surfaces, you simply use the cutting board , which also allows you to make clean and safe cuts, without fear of ruining the surface underneath.
Cutting board, how to take care of it to keep it intact over time
The cutting board should be washed after each use. Over time, due to intensive use , it becomes difficult to clean it properly, so it is necessary to carry out perfect routine maintenance if you do not want to find yourself with an unpleasant surprise out of nowhere. In the cracks created by the cuts, food remains remain, which can also cause the formation of mold , as well as bacteria.
Unfortunately, the surface is not always as clean and hygienic as we would like, despite the use of various products that promise thorough hygiene. In addition, they are often expensive and disappointing just as much.
Attempt after attempt, the thing you decide to do to keep your cool is to buy a new cutting board. Whether it’s cheap or expensive, you’d rather spend a little more but cook on a surface that’s certainly clean .
In reality, this is a wrong decision, because there are useful operations that allow the health of the cutting board to be prolonged and therefore allow its use over time. Also because, sooner or later, the new one will also end up in the same condition, if it is not properly cared for.
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