One of the disadvantages of outdoor recreation is the danger of insect bites.
Mosquitoes are especially zealous in this matter.
Everyone knows that just one annoying mosquito can deprive you of peace for a long time.
The bites of these insects are painful and sometimes cause allergies.
To be fully prepared in spring and summer, try to remember a few tips that will help you avoid mosquito bites.
1. One hundred grams of camphor or valerian, evaporated over a burner, will rid even very large rooms of flies and mosquitoes.
2 . Finely chop fresh bird cherry or rowan leaves and rub on exposed skin.
3 . Essential oils of clove, basil, anise, eucalyptus:
Apply to exposed areas of skin (5-10 drops per glass of water), or onto a fire source – in a fireplace, bonfire, on a candle or a heated frying pan. Soak a cotton pad with the oil of these plants and place it on the windowsill.
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