I remember when I was just beginning my cooking journey. Once, I saw a friend bring home a chicken from the store and right away pour salt water on it.
For the first time, I felt surprised – why? But there is a significant meaning to this.
What is in chicken that you buy at the store?
Yes, it’s true – various chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics.
Now I always soak store-bought chicken in salted water. It’s a shame I didn’t find out about this earlier, let me explain why.
Some of my friends try to ignore this issue. They do not do anything else to the chicken bought at the store.
But I think differently about this.
I try to eliminate all this stuff as much as I can. I used to always simplify things – if I cooked something in the oven, I would season it beforehand. For the first dishes, I poured out the initial water.
I’ve never done this on a sheet pan before, but this recipe made me a convert!
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