Say goodbye to marks on the floor! All you need is a handful of this natural ingredient!
If, after having passed the scopone thoroughly, traces and marks persist, do not start washing again, it is completely useless! The fact is that, in all likelihood , the mop itself is so dirty that it leaves a mark from its passage.
Even if we rinse it every time and make sure we have removed the dirt, this is not always the case, quite the contrary. It must be remembered that dust and black on surfaces, mixed with water and detergent, penetrate between the textures of the cloth and deeply impregnate it.
By passing it over the surfaces, we do nothing other than move this grayish mixture which allows the formation of halos.
To deep clean and sanitize it, use salt. Pour 3 tablespoons into a bucket filled with hot water and melt it while stirring with the mop. Then let it soak for at least an hour. The purifying action of salt will annihilate all bacteria. Once the necessary time has elapsed, rinse it well under the tap to remove all traces of dirt and sodium chloride and let it air dry.
These steps must be repeated every week, to ensure perfect washing.
You can also use salt to remove rust, just dilute it in white wine vinegar, or on furniture, to remove stains, but with the addition of a little olive oil for them. to feed.
In short, let us never forget that this gift of nature ensures deep disinfection of any surface. Let’s not spend our money unnecessarily on the purchase of expensive industrial products, when all we need to do is open the pantry to find what suits us and preserve savings and the environment
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