Reba McEntire, the beloved country music superstar, knows all too well the pain of loss and the depths of suffering. In a heartbreaking turn of events in 1991, a devastating aircraft disaster took the lives of her trusted tour manager and seven beloved members of her band. This tragedy marked a turning point in Reba’s life, one that she continues to navigate with strength and grace.
On that fateful day of March 16, 1991, Reba and her band delivered a spellbinding performance at a prestigious event in San Diego. Little did they know that it would be the last time they would all be together. The band members, along with the tour manager, boarded a plane from Brown Field Municipal Airport bound for Fort Wayne, Indiana, while Reba, her then-husband and manager Narvel Blackstock, and her stylist Sandi Spika stayed behind in San Diego.
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