Beloved actor Michael J. Fox, known for his iconic role in “Back To The Future,” is experiencing a heart-wrenching loss. His loyal companion, Gus, a twelve-year-old Great Dane-Labrador mix, has passed away. Gus stood by Fox’s side through all the ups and downs of the past twelve years, and now the actor will have to navigate the world without his faithful friend.
In a heartfelt message to his one million social media followers, Fox shared a touching image of Gus and wrote, “Gus — great dog and loyal friend, we’ll miss you.” Alongside the image, Fox referenced page 220-222 of his memoir, “No Time Like The Future: an Optimist Considers Mortality,” released in 2020. Within the pages of his book, Fox describes Gus as his “wonder dog,” a loyal companion who brought joy to everyone he encountered.
Gus played a significant role in Fox’s life, particularly during his battle with Parkinson’s disease, a fight that has been publicly known for over two decades. In his memoir, Fox emphasizes the value Gus added to his life and how much he will be missed as a cherished member of the family.
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