Baking soda and water:
Mix baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the cool soleplate of the iron and wipe gently with a cloth. Rinse with a damp sponge.
White vinegar:
Dampen a soft cloth with vinegar and gently wipe the burnt surface. For best effect, warm the vinegar slightly before use.
Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the burned area and wipe in a circular motion. Remove any residue with a damp cloth.
Lemon Juice:
Rub lemon juice on the burnt soleplate of the iron, let sit for a few minutes, then wipe with a clean cloth.
Salt and Newspaper:
Preheat your iron to low heat. Sprinkle the salt on the newspaper and iron gently until the burns disappear.
Dish soap: In a bowl of warm water,
dissolve a little dish soap. Dip a cloth in it and wipe the soleplate of the iron to remove burns.
Cotton swabs:
For harder-to-reach areas, like steam holes, use cotton swabs soaked in vinegar or lemon juice.
Fill the iron’s reservoir with distilled water, set the steam function and “iron” with a clean cloth.
Dry cleaning:
Use a dry melamine sponge to wipe away burnt-on residue without using chemicals.
Specialised preparations:
There are special products available in stores for cleaning irons – follow the instructions on the packaging.
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