Washing – an eternal fight with stains, sorting clothes by color and folding them over and over again. It is a horror; it is obligatory. And there’s nothing worse than oil stains.
Do you realize how much time I’ve spent doing the laundry for my husband only to have grease marks sitting there mocking me? Despair is real, friends. But never fear because out of the abyss that is washing dishes came Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam.
Yes, that was me. I really did say that; laundry detergent has been used as a salvation for clothes in the laundry room. It’s an ancient narrative passed down from my mother’s friend who claims to have witnessed its magic. So armed with scepticism and a bottle of Dawn liquid, I set out on a mission to banish grease stains once and for all.
But before we go any further — a disclaimer: I am not a domestic goddess. Writing about cleaning is like trying to speak Klingon to me. However, if it saves someone from having oil-stained clothes, sharing my laundry woes is worth it when all else fails.
That’s it; how the Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam became my laundry hero in disguise:
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