A unique method to eliminate all types of insects, from flies to mosquitoes that will disappear quickly.
The word insect alarms everyone, there are so many in the world and each one with different characteristics. The repellents on the market today are sprays, rich in chemicals and preservatives that can pollute and, at the same time, be harmful to health. Grandma’s advice always leads to a solution for every kind of problem, with something natural that you put in the kitchen and scares away flies, mosquitoes and all kinds of insects that try to enter.
Insect, what attracts you to the house?
Every insect< present on Earth has different characteristics, but they are all attracted to something in particular found inside homes. Mosquitoes look for blood to feed on, while flies and other insects look for easy food and then lay their eggs in various corners of the house.
They like sweets, sugars and even fermented substances up to syrups. However, they do not pick up bread crumbs or bits of food from the tablecloth or dirty dishes in the sink.
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