I was driving home when I saw a little girl on a school bus, banging on the back window in terror. My world stopped. Something was terribly wrong. But what danger could a little child possibly be in on a seemingly safe school bus? I chased the bus to find out, only for my heart to skip a beat.The rain pelted against my windshield as I drove home, each drop echoing the heaviness in my heart. Today had to be the worst day of my life. First, my fiancé called off our wedding last week, and now, I’d just lost my job. My mind was a tangled mess of thoughts and emotions…”Stay calm, Mollie,” I whispered to myself, knuckles white on the steering wheel. “There’s got to be another way. If one door closes, another opens, right?” But the words felt hollow.
Sponge Fingers Cake: A Light and Elegant Dessert
Baked Spaghetti and Meatballs Casserole Recipe
Very clean and very shiny marble with simple natural ingredients
“I’m Not Saving Your Show”: Roseanne Barr Declines ABC’s Offer To Join The Conners
Smoky & Tender Smoked Oxtail Recipe: A Flavor Explosion in Every Bite
This touching 9/11 Budweiser commercial paying tribute to our nation only aired once