Edamame Easy Lunchbox Idea (Page 1 ) | May 9, 2023


If you’re tired of the same old boring lunch every day, I’ve got a simple solution for you – think outside the lunch box! It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and pack the same sandwich or salad week after week, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, switch things up and explore different flavors, cuisines, and types of food.

Recently, I’ve been enjoying a delicious and easy-to-make Edamame lunch box. Instead of the usual suspects, this lunch is made up of just three ingredients: steamed green edamame pods, white rice, and soy sauce. You might be wondering if such a simple meal could really be enough to keep you full throughout the day, but you’d be surprised! Edamame pods are not just any old green vegetable – they’re packed with protein-rich soybeans that will give you plenty of energy to power through your afternoon.

Edamame Easy Lunchbox Idea from Family Fresh Meals

Have you never eaten edamame before? Don’t worry, it’s easy to eat and fun too. Simply dip the pod into the soy sauce, lift it to your mouth, and squeeze it so the bean pops between your lips. Alternate that with bites of rice, eaten with chopsticks if you want the true Japanese experience, or with a fork if all you want is a quick lunch.edamame packed in a lunch box


Easy Edamame Lunch Box Idea

  • 32 oz steamed edamame
  • 2 cups of white rice
  • 8 ounces of soy sauce
  • 4 clementine oranges
  1. Cook the rice and edamame according to the package.
  2. Divide the ingredients among your 4 lunch boxes.
  3. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Use within 2-3 days.
Edamame Easy Lunchbox Idea from Family Fresh Meals

Easy Edamame Lunch Box Idea

Tired of packing the same school and work lunches every day? Here’s a fun idea for you to try. This easy Edamame lunch box idea will be loved by young and old alike.


  • 32 oz steamed edamame
  • 2 cups White rice
  • 8 oz soy sauce
  • 4 clementine oranges


  • Cook the rice and edamame according to the package.
  • Divide the ingredients among your 4 lunch boxes.
  • Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Use within 2-3 days.




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