“Unlocking the Gardener’s Treasure Trove: 10 Ingenious Applications for Coffee Grounds” (Page 5 ) | November 8, 2023
  1. Ideal for getting rid of mosquitoes easily, coffee grounds are also an excellent cleaner to condition wood, preserving its color and eliminating small scratches and streaks that dull its surface. If you have a garden shed or wooden fences that you want to clean naturally, the trick is quite simple. Mix equal parts white vinegar, water, and coffee grounds in a bowl and let sit for about an hour. Then soak a cloth with this mixture and apply it directly to your boards. All you have to do is rub for a few minutes to make them shine again. This trick also works indoors to make your wooden furniture shine.

Warning: Coffee grounds can be very useful for your garden, but remember that they are not suitable for all plants. As a precaution, use it in small doses at first and then see if it has a positive effect on your plants. As with any natural ingredient, moderation is essential to avoid counterproductive effects on your vegetable garden!



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