Don’t substitute sugars. Both sugars should be used to get the best buttery and soft cookie. You can make these cookies only with white sugar, they will still taste good but there will be a
These cookies will refrigerate very well. Thaw and reheat in the oven. They taste very good when warm!
I’ve never seen my guests enjoy a dish as much as they do this one when I serve it at dinner parties
Recipe for Homemade Glazed Doughnuts
The Incredible Love Story of the Waltons: On-Screen and Off-Screen
How to plant lemons in pots from seeds
My Neighbors Had a House Fire, So We Took Them in — What They Discovered in Our Home Shocked Me
Clean and shiny tiles: this is how you get them
Lemon Brownies with Lemon Glaze
Smashing Patty with Confidential Sauce