Henry Winkler, adored for his iconic role as Fonzie on Happy Days, experienced a childhood far removed from the glamorous image often associated with celebrities. Born to immigrant parents who escaped Nazi Germany, Winkler encountered significant challenges due to an undiagnosed reading disorder. His parents, unaware of his dyslexia, unfairly labeled him as “dumb” and even went as far as referring to him as a ‘Dummo Hund,’ or dumb dog. This stigmatization extended to teachers and peers, creating a challenging upbringing that deeply impacted his self-esteem.
Despite these formidable hardships, Winkler tenaciously pursued his dreams. Applying to 28 colleges, he secured admission to two and eventually received an acceptance letter from the prestigious Yale School of Drama. His exceptional talent shone during an improvised Shakespearean monologue, propelling him to success. While thriving on-screen as the charismatic Fonzie, Winkler grappled with dyslexia affecting his reading and coordination. Even when offered the lead role in Grease, he declined to avoid being typecast.At the age of 31, Winkler’s perspective shifted during his stepson Jed’s dyslexia test. Recognizing that they shared the same struggle, Winkler acknowledged dyslexia as a silent barrier that had impacted his life. Overcoming auditions by memorizing scripts, he used humor to mask any inadequacies, asserting that he provided the ‘essence of the character.’
Instant Pot Dill Pickle Chicken
4 tricks to keep a windowless bathroom smelling good all day long
Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Dip
Sour Cream and Chives Baked Potatoes
My nana made this every year but I kept forgetting to write it down. So glad I found something that comes close to hers!
I could eat this ‘Million Dollar Pie’ every day and not get bored. It’s just that amazing
As soon as this recipe caught my eye, I was certain I had to try it. And let me tell you, it did not disappoint. Absolutely delicious!